Home >> December 2010 Edition >> Year In Review... Pactel International
Year In Review... Pactel International

pactel_sm1210_l Year 2010 saw remarkable growth in Pactel’s market share and profits. While maintaining our position as the leading telecommunications provider in the Pacific Islands, we have gained a significant portion of market share and enhanced our positions of managed communications services for the Government, Mining, Oil & Gas industries.

In July, Pactel International successfully completed installation of the new DVB-S2 ACM system satellite hub in Hawaii. This upgrade enabled Pactel International to extend our Internet, Voice and GSM solutions into the Pacific Islands, Australia and Indonesia on a C-band system, as well as supply a continued quality of service to our customers by extending their existing services further on a more reliable, cost-effective platform. Since its official acquisition, we were able to implement the DVB-S2 ACM system by establishing a new satellite link between our US hub and the territory of Cocos Islands and providing an Internet radiocast service to the Cook Island’s leading radio station, Matariki FM.

pactel_sm1210_g1 Earlier this year, we successfully used our Australian-based assets and implemented a large satellite IP trunk, linking the two French overseas territories of Wallis and Futuna to the International IP backbone via Australia. The installation onsite was performed by Pactel International’s satellite communications specialists, who have enabled the adaptation of the FCR Earth stations to the new technology. The switchover was accomplished with a minimum downtime, allowing for increased capacity and better load balancing between the two territories.

2010 has been a year of investment that has enhanced Pactel’s worldwide presence. With sales offices opening in Perth and Jakarta, the Company is now able to accommodate the increasing demand for mobile and fixed remote communications solutions in those regions. As the key service differentiator, Pactel continues to offer 24/7 remote network monitoring service, allowing end users to remotely access required information and monitor their sites on a continuous basis.

pactel_sm1210_bio In the year ahead, plans are in place to supply a continuous high quality of service to our existing customers by establishing more worldwide presence as well vertically expanding into new resource sector markets. Overall, Pactel International is looking forward to another year of exciting growth.