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The most popular podcast episodes of 2022


It was a dynamic  year for the satellite  industry that witnessed the emergence of cutting-edge technologies, new market opportunities and greater progress toward overcoming familiar  challenges.

Constellations listeners voted with their ears for the guests and topics they found most interesting. Here is a list of the most-downloaded Constellations podcasts of 2022.

Scaling Satellite  to Telco Volumes
Chris Quilty, Quilty Analytics

Quilty  Analytics par tner Chris Quilty discussed how the satellite industr y is overcoming the “curse” of low volumes by broadening par tnerships with mobile network operators (MNOs). Quilty covered new agreements between satellite operators and MNOs for direct-to-handset ser vice, shared spectrum and how the evolution of 3GPP standards is affecting market dynamics.

Sat-to-Cell Connectivity
Charles Miller, Lynk Global

Direct satellite-to-cell connectivity was one of the biggest developments of the year. Lynk Global CEO Charles Miller sat down with Constellations to discuss the technology behind LEO satellites that act like cell towers shortly after Lynk got the first ever FCC license for sat-to-cell service.

Laser Terminals 
Bulent Altan, Mynaric

Laser communication expanded significantly in 2022, driven significantly by government demand for optically interconnected satellites. Mynaric CEO Bulent Altan discussed the future of laser terminals and their benefits, including greater data throughput, speed and security.

AI in Space
Nathan de Ruiter, Euroconsult
Scott Herman, Cognitive Space

Euroconsult Canada Managing Director Nathan De Ruiter and Cognitive Space CEO Scott Herman discussed artificial intelligence (AI) for constellation management and how AI can support the projected 50,000 satellites that will be on-orbit by 2030.

Carol Craig, Sidus Space

The “as-a-service” model has been reshaping the satellite industry by opening space to new operators and markets.
Sidus Space CEO Carol Craig joined Constellations to discuss how space-as-a-service supports virtually all activities in space, from manufacturing and launch to payload integration and data management.

Satellite 5G Outlook
Tom Stroup, Satellite Industry Association (SIA)

Satellite-terrestrial network integration is closer than ever with the inclusion of satellite in the latest 5G standard. President of the Satellite  Industry Association, Tom Stroup explained the standards and technology developments that are paving the way for satellite within the 5G and IoT markets.

Lunar and Cislunar  Infrastructure
Al Tadros, Redwire

Redwire CTO Al Tadros discussed how commercial, civil and government organizations are collaborating to develop the infrastructure needed for a sustained human and robotic presence on the moon.


Accelerating Space Acquisition
Dr. Frank Turner, Space Development Agency (SDA)

The Space Development Agency’s constructive disruption of the acquisitions process is changing how the Department of Defense engages with industry. SDA Technical Director Dr. Frank Turner discussed the agency’s two-year spiral development approach and working with industry to build the transport layer, an optically inter- connected mesh network of communications satellites.


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