Home >> December 2010 Edition >> Year In Review... Thrane & Thrane
Year In Review... Thrane & Thrane

thrane_sm1210_l The Inmarsat BGAN service continued to go from strength to strength in 2010, spurring the increased demand for high quality terminals, which was reflected in the volume of SAILOR FleetBroadband terminals shipped. By the middle of 2010, the Company had announced the shipment of the 5000th SAILOR terminal. However, by September, more than 12,000 terminals had shipped, which is something to be extremely proud of accomplishing.

The market introduction and take off from the older Inmarsat Fleet to the new BGAN based FleetBroadband is a fantastic story that should continue. The introduction and market penetration has been much faster than expected and overwhelming for all three SAILOR maritime terminals (150, 250, and 500). Another positive development this year was continued antenna development. Source tracking antennas in-house is now possible, which is fantastic news to the Company and maritime market customers.

Thrane & Thrane is hoping to expand this capability into various land and aero product offerings — that, however, rests in the future. The Company also unveiled a brand new SAILOR 900 VSAT Ku-band antenna this year and are looking forward to it entering this market alongside the existing series of maritime Ku-band antenna products, both for TVRO (television, receive-only or satellite TV) and VSAT (2-way data with stabilized maritime antennae); SAILOR 60 Satellite TV and SAILOR 90 Satellite TV, plus SAILOR 700 VSAT running on the unique mini-VSAT Broadband network.


It was an exciting year for aeronautical products too. An entirely new portfolio of SwiftBroadband products were introduced under the brand name AVIATOR, which has quickly been accepted by the industry. This activity highlights the focus and ability of the Company to develop new products fast. Also introduced was the world’s first to the land mobile market with the new EXPLORER 325 terminal for on-the-move use. This isn’t the first vehicular-based terminal, but it is the first terminal to focus on price and its introduction has opened the market dramatically.

2010 was, of course, a tough year for most businesses, but there were many positive aspects, as well. Great contracts were signed, including a new deal with Maersk. There is now a greater Company will to invest in business opportunities as compared to last year, especially in the maritime and land sectors where there was some hesitance in the early part of the year. Internally, Thrane & Thrane has continued to focus on effectiveness and productivity, putting into place new processes and strategies to improve development, manufacturing, and delivery. Despite the challenges of delivering of components in due time, delivery capacity and effectiveness has been increased, greatly improving service to customers.

thrane_sm1210_g2 There are positive and promising signs for 2011 that the world economy has begun to improve. This will help businesses across the board. In shipping, there are more newbuild vessels, which expands the Company’s potential market space. However, caution rules as world trade has a direct impact on the number of vessels being built and sailing.

As the clear market leaders in terms of FleetBroadband terminals delivered, Thrane & Thrane still has plenty to offer in terms of new technology and quality developments. The new SAILOR 6000 GMDSS Series ships in January, which includes a brand new Inmarsat mini-C terminal — the Company is looking forward to seeing how this performs in the market. Likewise, the new Ku-band antenna will be an entrance to a larger part of the market and good results are expected within the marine and land arenas, with the aero sector to soon follow suit, especially as the technologically advanced, cost effective, and coherent SwiftBroadband offering is available.

Thrane & Thrane has signed a significant contract with aircraft manufacturer Embraer and will start delivery of AVIATOR products by the end of 2011. Positive expectations towards that collaboration the confidence of building similar partnerships with other manufacturers and operators is infused throughout the Company.

thrane_sm1210_bio Overall, 2011 will be an exciting, but challenging year, for the SATCOM industry in all of its disparate sectors. Thrane & Thrane is positive about the coming year and we are positioned to react to the market and provide the technology that SATCOMs users need. Should investment continue as it did in the latter part of 2010, 2011 will be another successful year for Thrane & Thrane.